The Business is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all those in the workplace. To this end, this policy sets out steps that the Business is taking in order to tackle the Coronavirus outbreak, alongside expectations that are placed upon you. For the safety of yourself and others in the workplace, this policy must be followed at all times.

At any time medical or Government guidelines and restrictions change, this policy will be updated and again communicated to all workers who will sign their understanding.

For employees, leave entitlements can be accessed with authorisation and any additional leave entitlements announced by the Government will be provided along with your normal entitlements.


The Business strongly encourages you to follow guidelines from the World Health Organisation on infection control, along with specific Coronavirus Government guidelines, both whilst at work and in your daily life.

These include:

• Frequently cleaning your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds at a time and then using alcohol-based hand sanitiser,

• Always maintaining hand washing and sanitising protocols after visiting the toilet, kitchen, before and after eating and smoking,

• When coughing and sneezing, covering your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue, throwing this tissue away immediately and washing and sanitising your hands,

• No excrement of bodily fluids such as spitting, and

• Keep track of where you have been and who you’ve seen to assist with contact tracing; and

• Remain vigilant and aware of physical distancing when out and about amongst strangers (where possible).

• Following official guidelines and requirements.


i) If you contract the Coronavirus or display any symptoms of the Coronavirus

If you begin to display symptoms of the Coronavirus, you must follow Government guidance to find out what to do next. Symptoms can be found here: https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-Coronavirus

You must seek medical attention and notify your Manager at the earliest opportunity. The following Ministry of Health website provides daily updates, symptoms, symptom checkers, details of respiratory clinics and how to get medical assistance. Many GP Clinics now provide online services for medical assessments.

In order to protect your fellow workers, you are required to remain absent from the workplace and provide the Business with a medical certificate. You are required to get a medical clearance from your doctor prior to returning to the workplace.

ii) If you have contact with a confirmed case of the Coronavirus

If you have been in contact with someone who has a confirmed case of the Coronavirus, you are required to notify management immediately.

In order to protect your fellow workers, we ask you to seek medical attention and remain absent from the workplace for fourteen days or until you can provide us with a medical certificate with clearance for work. You are required to get a medical clearance from your doctor prior to returning to the workplace. Consideration will be given, depending on your job role, to working from home options.

iii) If you feel unwell

If you feel unwell at all, seek medical attention and notify your Manager at the earliest opportunity.

In order to protect your fellow workers, you are required to remain absent from the workplace and provide the Business with a medical certificate. You are required to get a medical clearance from your doctor prior to returning to the workplace.

iv) If you have contact with a suspected case of the Coronavirus

If you have been in contact with someone who has a suspected case of the Coronavirus, you are required to notify management immediately.

In order to protect your fellow workers, we ask you to seek medical attention and remain absent from the workplace for fourteen days or until you can provide us with a medical certificate with clearance for work. Even if you are not displaying any symptoms, we may take the decision to send you home and require you not to attend work as a safety precaution. Consideration will be given, depending on your job role, to working from home options.


You must not attend the workplace during any self-isolation period that the Government requires you to undertake.

i) If you are unwell during self-isolation:

If you are unwell during this self-isolation period, you should follow the usual sickness procedure to notify the Business that you require authorised leave and obtain a medical certificate in support of your leave. You are required to get a medical clearance from your doctor prior to returning to the workplace.

ii) If you are well during self-isolation:

If you are well during this period of isolation, the Business will consider any available type of leave that may be available to cover the absence. If you are an employee and there are no forms of accrued paid leave available, or entitlement to any special Government leave arrangements, the absence may be unpaid. Consideration will be given, depending on your job role, to working from home options.


i) If you intend to travel domestically

You must follow all Government requirements regarding travel within New Zealand. You must follow physical distancing and maintain proper hygiene practices during travel, as well as keep a log of where you visited and anyone you came into close contact with.

ii) If you intend to travel internationally

You must follow all Government requirements regarding international travel and notify management if you are intending to travel internationally. Upon return from any international travel, you must go into managed isolation and quarantine for fourteen days to confirm the absence of infection.


i) Attendance at work

It is our expectation that you attend work as normal during this time, unless:

• you are on a period of authorised leave

• you are not attending work due to a Government-mandated self-isolation period

• you are not attending work under our specific instruction, or

• there is a safety reason why you cannot be at work that has been discussed and agreed with your Manager.

ii) Temporary business closure

It may become necessary for the business to temporarily reduce or cease operations, for example if someone in the workplace is diagnosed with Coronavirus.

The Business will do everything possible to continue operating in these circumstances, however, ultimately will take the action that is necessary to comply with Government advice and ensure safety within the workplace.

If you are an employee, the Business will consider any accrued paid leave and special Government leave arrangements available during this time, however it may need to process any shut down as leave without pay after consulting with you. Consideration will be given, depending on your job role, to working from home options

iii) Working from another location

The Business will take all available steps to maintain normal business operations. To maintain normal business operations, it may be necessary for us to require you to work from an alternative work location if, for example, instructions from a third party mean that entry into our current workplace is not permitted. Your flexibility in this regard will be required. Physical distancing and maintaining appropriate hygiene must be adhered to wherever you are working.

iv) Harassment/bullying

The business operates a zero-tolerance policy to all forms of harassment and bullying in the workplace. We will not tolerate any unacceptable behaviour towards anyone, including workers, colleagues, suppliers, members of the public. Any complaints of this nature will be investigated in line with our usual policy and for employees this may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


The Business is committed to ensuring it has a safe workplace, including one where workers’ health and wellbeing (both physical and mental) is protected and supported.

The Coronavirus has a significant impact on daily life, with the uncertainty and changes impacting mental well-being. The Ministry of Health has a number of resources available to support your own and others mental wellbeing:


Workers are encouraged to reach out to management should they have any concerns regarding their physical or mental wellbeing.